Mike Mills Honor Event:

On Tuesday, November 3, 2009 The American Patriot Program honored Minnesota's very own Staff Sergeant Mike Mills in Freeport, Minnesota.

USMHC was asked to provide a small display of Iraq War items for this event.

This was a wonderful, moving tribute to one of our Wounded Warriors from the Iraq War.

Staff Sergeant Mike Mills served as a member of the US Army National Guard in Iraq. On 14 June, 2005 an IED went off near the vehicle he was in and forever changed his life. He suffered multiple broken bones, and 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 31% of the left side of his body.

Even after this traumatic event, SSG Mills still finds the desire to serve and help other Veterans dealing with the stress of battle injury, deployment, and more. Via his website, he offers fellow veterans and families an opportunity to talk with someone that has already "been there" along the road to recovery, and to pass along the resources he has worked with.

For Mike's full story and mission via his web site, click here


This display, as noted, was only to showcase some of the types of items that Mike had used during his time in Iraq.

As Mike was an Army veteran, only Army items were displayed.

Mike was nominated for the American Patriot Program award by Leo Pusateri (at mic) and was presented the award by Mr. Pusateri.

SSG Mike Mills (Ret.) stating his thanks for this honor and event.

T-Shirt presented to Mike Mills in addition to the American Patriot Program Commemorative items including a specially made American Patriot Baseball bat.

Mike Mills (left) and myself. It was indeed an honor to be a part of helping to give tribute to Mike for his service and sacrifice.

For more on the American Patriot Program click here.